Why are we seeing wasps in spring?

Wasps are typically seen in spring for a few reasons. First, in temperate climates, spring is the time when the weather starts to warm up and the first flowers start to bloom, they feed on insects, such as flies and caterpillars, as well as plant sap, fruit juices, and other sugary substances. The presence of these food sources in spring helps to sustain and support the growth of wasp populations, which is why they are more commonly seen during this time of year. Second, spring is also the time when wasp queens emerge from hibernation and start to build new nests.

Vermtek is a pest control company that can help you with wasp problems. They can provide services such as wasp nest removal, which involves safely removing the nest and treating the area to prevent future wasp infestations. If you have a wasp problem, Vermtek can provide you with a solution that is both safe and effective. However, it’s always best to check the reviews of any pest control company before hiring them to ensure you get the best service possible.


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