Persistent Little Beggars!

2nd September 2019


Have you noticed that wasps have suddenly become a lot more aggressive and persistent? They’ve been around since spring, but it’s only in late summer that they begin to become a real problem. The reason behind this change in behaviour is that, around this time of year, the queen wasp stops laying larvae in the nest. In spring and early summer, worker wasps bring food to larvae, and in turn feed on a sugar-rich liquid secreted by the larvae. But when the queen stops laying larvae, the workers must use whatever food sources they can to sustain themselves, usually going for sugar-rich foods like fallen fruit, fizzy drinks or ice cream, all of which bring them into much closer contact with us. And they can be very persistent!

If you have a wasps’ nest that is causing you problems, like this one found in the toy-store shed at a children’s nursery, contact us today to find out how we can help. In many cases we can use non-toxic treatment options. If you’re being pestered but don’t know where the nest is, we can also supply a range of traps that are reall y effective.

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