Christmas is coming, and the drains are getting fat…bergs

20th December 2018


In the midst of the Christmas chaos it’s all too tempting to chuck the fat from the turkey down the sink. It’s the easy option. And it’s fine if you run the hot tap, right? Wrong! No matter how small the amount you are putting down the plughole, fats, oils and grease (FOGs) accumulate in the sewer. Mixing with wet wipes and sanitary items, they amass into giant fatbergs which set as solid as rock. Fatbergs block the sewers, causing sewage floods and costing water companies £millions to remove each month (a cost that is passed onto consumers). But from a pest perspective, there are other consequences you may not have thought of!

Santa’s drain, dear…

Fatberg blockages are forcing rats out of the sewers and into our homes. Obstructions in the sewers stop rats travelling between the resources they need, and so they range out seeking food, water and harbourage that is easier to access. At this time of year, our warm homes, full of Christmas leftovers to feast on and irresistible wrapping paper to nest in, become very enticing to rats evicted from the sewers by fatbergs.

It’s easy to beat on how terrible we are with our lazy waste disposal habits. But there are some very easy life-hack solutions!

1.       Always have a bin next to the loo and changing mat – never have an excuse to chuck anything other than loo roll down the toilet. Our favourites are:

2.       Scrape small amounts of FOGs from cooking pans into your food waste bin at the same time as clearing your plates

  • By the time you have finished your meal, they should have sufficiently cooled.

3.       Use old takeaway containers to seal larger quantities of FOGs and place them in the general waste bin

  • Most of us have old takeaway tubs cluttering up the cupboards and want to find a use for them
  • Be sure to save them next time!

Little changes can make a big difference. Let’s not give rats any extra excuse to come into our homes this festive season! For more information on how to discourage rats from entering your property, visit the Pest Information page on our website: .

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